SIN: Warong Kim's Seafood

Oyster omelette: hotplate style!

In search for tasty oyster omelette around, my friend and I went all the way to Tampines to try the one offered by Warong Kim's Seafood which has been around since 1965. The Tampines branch has also obtained Halal certification.

Oyster Omelette in Hotplate (Medium) S$15.00
Taste: 8/10

Served sizzling hot, the omelette was really flavourful and fluffy with a hint of ginger which made the dish as a whole fragrant. The oysters were pretty plump, and they were fresh. I could feel the briny juice bursting out when I popped one into my mouth. Pika's advice: Those who don't enjoy the raw taste of oysters may not want to order this as the oysters bordered on being undercooked.

Butter Prawns with Cereal (Medium) S$24.00
Taste: 8/10

The 10 medium-sized prawns had been properly deveined and butterflied before they were fried. Although the anticipated strong buttery aroma was somewhat lacking, the prawns were sweet enough to lure me in. While each prawn was still quite moist, the skin was really crispy that I actually enjoyed it. The dish wasn't too oily either.

Sambal Kangkung (Small) S$6.00
Taste: 7/10

Initially I wanted to order potato leaves, but they didn't have it that day. Sigh... Anyway, while the kangkung (lit. water spinach) was fresh and crunchy, it tasted kinda monotonous. The sambal definitely lacked the kick.

Water Chestnut Drink S$1.50

Well, it was just the usual drink you could get in food court. It wasn't dilute to start with, but the amount of ice cubes ought to be reduced.

Melon's Rating
Taste: 7.5/10
Ambience: 6/10
Service: 7/10
Overall: 7/10

It seems like Warong Kim's Seafood is popular with people from all walks of life. That afternoon, it was as if we were celebrating Racial Harmony Day as there was a good mix of Chinese, Malay and Indian people chit-chatting while having their lunch there.

Warong Kim's Seafood

Tampines Street 21
Blk 201D #01-1171
(Daily: 7.00am - 1.00am)

*Prices quoted are nett prices.

Have a nice meal,


Anonymous said…
wah, ternyata blog review makanan ya. oya, di atas lihat ada menu oyster omelette di singapore kok agak beda ya dengan oyster omelette di taiwan. kalo di taiwan, biasanya ditambahin tauge rebus gitu :D kalo ada kesempatan, main2 ke taiwan wisata kuliner,nanti saya bs jd guidenya :)
Wahh, ternyata kalau di Taiwan ditambahin tauge ya? Sebenernya oyster omelette yang ada di review ini juga agak spesial sih. Biasanya ga ditaruh di hotplate, dan oysternya juga ga terpisah, biasanya jadi satu sama telurnya. Haha, terima kasih, memang pengen nih ngunjungin Taiwan kalau ada waktu, mumpung juga akan ikut student exchange ke Hong Kong semester depan! :D
Anonymous said…
menurut wikipedia, oyster omelete yg terkenal dari taiwan ( di sini orang lokal nyebutnya 蚵仔煎 (ô-á-chian). Wow, keren bgt exchange ke Hong Kong. Iya, dr HK udah deket banget ke Taiwan, naik pesawat sejam doank udah nyampe, tiketnya juga relatif murah kok. aku juga pengen banget main ke HK cuma blm jadi terus nih, ntar pas CNY pulang ke indo, transit ke HK dl tp cm 1-2 jam doank :( Ayo dtg ke Taipei, ntar aku traktir makan 蚵仔煎 :D
Liat gambarnya di wikipedia jadi ngiler. Wahh, asyik, mau ditraktir. Thank you haha! Ya, memang pengen pergi ke Taiwan dari dulu, cuma belum kesampaian. Semoga nanti ada waktu deh!

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