SIN: Steakout {CLOSED}

Savoury ribeye steak and sweet lava cake!

UPDATE (04/11/2020): The restaurant has closed down.

Fancy a plate of nice and affordable steak after a tiring day of school or work? Drop by Steakout, an eatery known to be a famous hang out spot among SMU students. With a wide range of side dishes to go with your main course to choose from, you'll be spoilt for choice.

Just look at how cute the five animals are on the wall (without imagining that one is to appear on the plate in front of you), stranded on an island of nothingness! Pika's advice: With a purchase of any main course, you can go for the Steakout Deluxe Upgrade for an additional S$8.90 to get a bowl of soup, a plate of lava cake and a glass of beverage!

Today's Soup S$3.90
Taste: 7.5/10

Of course I opted for the above-mentioned upgrade the other day, but I'm listing down all the individual prices of the food. For appetiser, I had a bowl of warm mushroom soup which was acceptably creamy, topped with a bit of croutons and chopped parsley.

Specialty Angus Rib-Eye S$19.90
Rib-Eye Steak - Taste: 8.5/10
Buttered Rice - Taste: 7.5/10
Potato Salad - Taste: 8/10

I requested for my rib-eye steak to be cooked to medium, which turned out to be gratifying. The not-so-thin meat was tender and flavourful with enough fat content to tantalise my taste buds. The red wine sauce wasn't particularly special since it only had a slight hint of the alcoholic beverage, but it was nevertheless good and thick enough. As for the side dishes, the buttered rice was somewhat fluffy, while the potato salad was enjoyably creamy.

Salmon and Sausages Combo S$19.90
Salmon Steak - Taste: 8/10
Vienna SausagesTaste: 8/10
Onion Rings - Taste: 7.5/10
Garlic Spaghetti - Taste: 7.5/10

My friend ordered the combo of salmon steak which was firm and well-seasoned with black pepper, and Vienna sausages (primarily made of pork, I believe) which were tender and savoury. The honey mustard sauce was dreamily sweet, complementing the salmon well. As for the side dishes, the onion rings were pretty crispy, while the spaghetti was indeed garlicky, although it could be more al dente.

Lava Cake with Ice Cream S$6.90
Taste: 8.5/10

The lava cake might appear dry at first glance, and surely it was pretty firm on the outside. However, as I cut it into two halves, runny chocolate sauce started to ooze out. It had not only the right consistency, but also angelic sweetness which wasn't sickening. It came with vanilla ice cream which helped to moisten the exterior of the, frankly speaking, not-so-pretty cake in terms of its appearance.

Brownies with Ice Cream S$3.90
Taste: 8/10

The chocolate brownies, on the other hand, were made decorative with the sprinkle of black and white chocolate chips. While the chocolate goodness could somewhat match that of the lava cake described earlier, the brownies ought to be slightly firmer in texture. Sadly, the vanilla ice cream that came with it had started to melt when the dessert arrived on the table.

Melon's Rating
Taste: 8/10
Ambience: 7/10
Service: 6/10
Overall: 7/10

I guess I don't have to talk about the calamansi drink I had, which I believe was cordial-based. There wasn't anything to complain about the service rendered, but the servers could be friendlier and more attentive, especially given the fact that there wasn't many customers that evening.


89 Victoria Street
#01-01 Victoria Hotel
(Daily: 11.30am - 10.00pm)

*Prices quoted are nett prices.

Have a nice meal,


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