SUR: Fly Allways 8W602 (Economy)

No typical orange juice or apple juice onboard, but instead...

My journey to South America began with an uneventful flight with Fly Allways, a Surinamese airline that began operations in January 2016. Today's post is a short one featuring the snack and beverages offered for the short-haul flight of 2 hours and 30 minutes from Willemstad, Curaçao to Paramaribo, Suriname.

Each passenger was given a packet of something with a choice of beverage.

8W Meal

Cheese Sandwich Taste: 7.5/10

Served warm, the cheese sandwich wasn't too shabby. While the bun with butter spread could be fluffier, I enjoyed the cheese that had partially melted. 


I recall seeing mineral water, soft drinks and juice with two flavours: mango orange and fruit punch. Both flavours tasted pretty similar actually, with the former being thicker and sweeter.

Melon's Rating
Taste: 7.5/10
Ambience: 7/10
Service: 7/10
Overall: 7/10

As a heads-up, I went to Suriname and Guyana. Stay tuned for posts on the eateries that I dropped by during my stay in South America! Pika's advice: When booking your air ticket online, you won't be able to indicate your dietary restrictions. You should drop an e-mail message to tell the company if need be.

Fly Allways

Economy Class Cabin
Fokker 70

*No separate price given as meals are included in the ticket price.

Have a nice meal,


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